Senior Leadership Team

The Senior Leadership Team is the group of people who lead the school. It is conformed by the Headmaster and nine highly qualified professionals, all with a long history of experience in their respective areas. They represent five different nationalities, forming a team that is strongly committed to the Craighouse School Educational Project.

Together they supervise the implementation of the Craighouse School Educational Project, its values and culture. Whenever necessary, they incorporate the adaptations needed to keep pace with our local and global society and those educational innovations which may empower it.


Patrick Lyons


Aymé Visconti

Academic Director

María Paz Saumann

Director of Formativa Area

Thomas Hughes

Head of Primary Section

Pablo Salvador

Head of Middle Section

Mark Cross

Head of Senior Section

Jorge Cabargas


María José Ruiz

People Department Director

Constanza Capdevila

Director of Communications

María Isabel Sánchez

Compliance and Legal Affairs